You can get post cards from places or you can collect by the holiday or occasion. They also had humorous cards and cards with pretty women or cute children. Have fun out there reading some of these glimpses into the past.
I have a small antique store in Salina KS. I will be posting information about antiques and collectibles. There will be advice on collecting, information about items, and many other related topics.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I have always been fascinated by vintage Post cards. They had so many different types. They had them for every holiday, including Thanksgiving.
This is just one example of the types of postcards that are available. Some of the interesting things about the postcards are the letters people wrote. Sometimes it is just a simple to and from, other times it is about their daily happenings. The post marks on these give you an idea of when they were written. I have postcards from the early 1900's to present.
You can get post cards from places or you can collect by the holiday or occasion. They also had humorous cards and cards with pretty women or cute children. Have fun out there reading some of these glimpses into the past.
You can get post cards from places or you can collect by the holiday or occasion. They also had humorous cards and cards with pretty women or cute children. Have fun out there reading some of these glimpses into the past.
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I am also a fan of vintage post cards. Seeing these things would make me realize how beautiful life is and we should thank everyday in our lives.